Please read these instructions before posting any event on Fermilab Indico

The FERMI(FNAL) network authorization method has been removed. See news for more details.

Sep 4 – 6, 2023
America/Chicago timezone

Access to Fermilab (users/affiliates)

Please read carefully the instructions in this page as you go through the process. You  must be a CMS experimenter to use this process.

For non-US citizens, before traveling to Fermilab make sure you either have a valid B-1/B-1 visa stamp or, if eligible, an ESTA authorization. When going through the US border patrol, either at the departure airport or on the ground in the US, please make it clear to the CBP officer that your visit is for a business purpose, NOT for tourism. Fermilab access can only be granted with an I-94 showing a B-1 or VWB entry. If your I-94 shows B-2 or VWT, badging will be on hold until the I-94 is corrected, delaying your access by 1-3 days. More information on lab access can be found here. More information about Fermilab and Visas can be found here.


In order to access the site you will first need to become user by following these instructions (if you already are a user see specific instructions to request on-site access further down):

The access request form for new users is linked at the page above (first link at the bottom) but can also be found directly here

Select the first option "Affiliate or User" then here are the answers to the following questions:

  • Fermilab Point of contact = Dee Hahn <>
  • Fermilab Experiment = CMS AT FERMILAB
  • Professional Class = any depending on your occupation except for the last 5
  • Activity description = Invited speaker to LPC workshop (OR participant to LPC workshop) as a member of the CMS Collaboration and intermittent visits to collaborate with LPC colleagues and participate to LPC events 
  • Dates = we recommend you put 1 year (the allowed maximum) in case you may be coming to visit the LPC again, have access start before your intended visit in case you arrive onsite earlier
  • What Fermilab business site will you be located at? = Batavia
  • What will your primary work location be? = WH 1

Becoming a user will also give you access to Fermilab computing resources (GPUs, CPUs, EOS, high-memory machines) which you can use throughout the workshop and beyond that. 

If you already have a Fermilab computing account (i.e. you are already user) you can request only the physical site access through this form (using similar information as outlined above).

Once your user/access application is accepted you will receive an email and will need to make a badging appointment for the first day of your arrival:

Make sure you bring these documents with you:

Please write to in case something is not clear in the instructions above or if you want to clarify doubts about your answer to any of the access form questions. More details about typical CMS access requests can be found here.