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12–15 Dec 2023
America/Chicago timezone

First Measurement of W Helicity Fractions at LHCb

14 Dec 2023, 11:10



Nate Grieser (University of Cincinnati (US))


The measurement of the $W$ helicity states provides a fundamental probe at understanding the production mechanisms of $W$ bosons at the LHC. $W$ boson helicity states have shown a strong dependency on $|y_{W}|$, with increasingly left-handed states expected with forward production. The LHCb detector provides a unique kinematic coverage, with lepton acceptance of $2 < \eta < 5$, in which an unparalleled measurement of $W$ helicity states can be measured. Using the 2D distribution of lepton kinematics, $p_{T}^{\ell}$ and $\eta^{\ell}$, a template fit can be made to extract the helicity fractions as a function of $y_{W}$ without needing to reconstruct the $W$ boson kinematics directly.


Primary author

Nate Grieser (University of Cincinnati (US))

Presentation materials