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12–15 Dec 2023
America/Chicago timezone

Unveiling the Potential for Ultraperipheral Collisions of Heavy Ions: Novel Trigger Strategies and Optimized Physics Performance in the CMS Experiment at 5.36 TeV

15 Dec 2023, 09:50



Saray Arteaga Escatel (The University of Kansas)


Collisions involving ultraperipheral heavy ions (UPCs) serve as a valuable tool for investigating nuclear parton distribution functions (nPDFs). Specifically, they are instrumental in characterizing nuclear matter at Bjorken-$x<10^{-3}$ and low squared momentum transfer (shadowing/saturation regime). Additionally, UPCs provide an opportunity to explore phenomena beyond the standard model. To maximize the utility of these collisions prior to the advent of the Electron-Ion Collider, the CMS experiment developed dedicated triggers and optimized offline reconstruction for the heavy ion data-taking period in 2023. These triggers relied on using the Zero Degree Calorimeter (ZDC) as a level-1 (L1) trigger detector for the first time, enhancing the selection performance compared to existing UPC triggers and minimum-bias hadronic triggers. This improvement enabled the study of hard processes, such as jets and heavy flavor hadrons, in photon-photon ($\gamma\gamma$) and photon-nucleus ($\gamma\rm{N}$) scatterings. Simultaneously, an alternative approach was implemented to enhance the reconstruction efficiency for low transverse momentum ($p_\rm{T}$) electrons ($p_\rm{T} > 0.2$ GeV), photons ($p_\rm{T} > 0.6$ GeV), and tracks ($p_\rm{T} > 0.05$ GeV). This involved developing modified versions of the standard CMS particle-flow algorithm. In this presentation, we showcase selected results that highlight the performance of the L1 ZDC trigger selection, the efficiency of the L1 trigger algorithms in selecting $\gamma\rm{N}$ dijet events, and the performance of low-$p_\rm{T}$ electrons, photons, tracks, and muons under conditions prevalent in UPC PbPb collisions, as recently recorded in 2023 by the CMS experiment at their record energy of 5.36 TeV


Primary author

Saray Arteaga Escatel (The University of Kansas)

Presentation materials