Lightning Round Talks (3)
- Corrinne Mills ()
Diquarks are a class of ultra-heavy resonances that can theoretically be produced at the Large Hadron Collider with relatively large cross-sections and could provide explanations for a number of curious high-mass events reconstructed at the CMS Experiment during the Run 2 data-taking period. In theories where diquarks decay to pairs of vector-like quarks (VLQs), the resulting hadronic final...
The study of jet production in small collision systems is essential for testing our understanding of perturbative and non perturbative QCD and cold nuclear matter effects. In addition, studies at high multiplicity in small collision systems exhibit signatures of collectivity, which is still not fully understood within a unified picture across system size. Jet quenching in small systems is not...
The overabundance of matter over antimatter in the universe today is one of the major unanswered questions in modern physics. Several mechanisms for generating this asymmetry have been theorized but not all are testable at current particle physics facilities. If beyond the Standard Model (BSM) physics enters in the Higgs sector that modifies to the electroweak phase transition, electroweak...
Vector-like quarks (VLQs) are a common feature of many Standard Model (SM) extensions that propose additional particles beyond the SM to resolve some of the underlying inadequacies such as the hierarchy problem, matter-antimatter asymmetry, dark matter, etc. A large interest exists in looking at VLQs that decay primarily to a SM boson and third-generation quark, but there exists the...
The University of Oklahoma (OU) is contributing to the quality control (QC) of the ATLAS experiment Phase 2 upgrade of the Inner Tracker (ITk) pixel detector. OU has been certified to perform a variety of QC tests, including thickness measurement, visual inspection, and low-voltage/high-voltage tests of bare and populated PCBs. OU is also contributing to the development of a technique to do...
Collisions involving ultraperipheral heavy ions (UPCs) serve as a valuable tool for investigating nuclear parton distribution functions (nPDFs). Specifically, they are instrumental in characterizing nuclear matter at Bjorken-$x<10^{-3}$ and low squared momentum transfer (shadowing/saturation regime). Additionally, UPCs provide an opportunity to explore phenomena beyond the standard model. To...