Tianlai Analysis Teleconference

Peter Timbie, Peter Timbie (UW-Madison)


  • Angular power spectrum estimation with the Tianlai Cylinder Array - (Shifan)
  • Calibration of TDA with repeated drift scans through bright sources.  Update on observing plan - (Jixia or Furen?).   Congratulations on the baby, Jixia!
  •  WIYN-Hydra spectroscopic galaxy survey of NCP -  Update on analysis & formation of a paper writing plan -  (Albert).   Special discussion next week (instead of regular call).

  • Hangzhou meeting planning - Haijun Tian will send out a poll to collaboration to choose a date
  • Possible ideas for NSF proposal - feedback needed -  (Peter & Greg) - extra discussion on friday. Albert recommends collaborating with CHIME.
  • Topics for next call (Nov 7)
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