Time-independent gamma determinations at LHCb

4 Jun 2024, 09:30


Innes Mackay


The tree-level determination of the CKM angle gamma is a standard candle measurement of CP violation in the Standard Model. The latest LHCb results from time-integrated measurements of CP violation using beauty to open charm decays are presented. The talk will focus on the B -> DK and B0 -> DK0 decays modes using a variety of charm decays, which are the latest measurements using data collected during Run1 and Run 2 of the LHCb experiment. The precision achievable with both these modes is competitive and they add significant knowledge to the measurement of the CKM angle gamma. They also resolve the recent tension between measurements originating from B+ and B0 meson decays.

Primary authors

Innes Mackay Keri Vos (Maastricht University)

Presentation materials