Andreas Piepke
(U. of Alabama)
Bob McKeown
(William & Mary)
Doug Cowen
(Penn State)Dr
Jonghee Yoo
(Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory)
Michael Ramsey-Musolf
(U. of Wisconsin)
Reyco Henning
(University of North Carolina)Dr
Robert Roser
- How do we communicate the importance of neutrino physics to the other Frontiers?
- How do we ensure that "stovepiping" of funding within/between Frontiers doesn't limit opportunities for science?
- How can we mitigate "stovepiping" within/between HEP and NP (DOE and NSF) that can limit opportunities for science?
- How can we exploit opportunities at the interfaces between the frontiers?
- How can we exploit connections with nuclear physics?