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25–27 Apr 2013
Argonne National Laboratory
US/Central timezone

Panel Discussion: Inter-Frontier Connections

26 Apr 2013, 08:30
Bldg. 362, Auditorium

Bldg. 362, Auditorium


Andreas Piepke (U. of Alabama) Bob McKeown (William & Mary) Doug Cowen (Penn State)Dr Jonghee Yoo (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory) Michael Ramsey-Musolf (U. of Wisconsin) Reyco Henning (University of North Carolina)Dr Robert Roser (Fermilab)


- How do we communicate the importance of neutrino physics to the other Frontiers? - How do we ensure that "stovepiping" of funding within/between Frontiers doesn't limit opportunities for science? - How can we mitigate "stovepiping" within/between HEP and NP (DOE and NSF) that can limit opportunities for science? - How can we exploit opportunities at the interfaces between the frontiers? - How can we exploit connections with nuclear physics?

Presentation materials