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25–27 Apr 2013
Argonne National Laboratory
US/Central timezone

Panel Discussion: Neutrinos and Society

26 Apr 2013, 09:30
Bldg. 362, Auditorium

Bldg. 362, Auditorium


Dick Lanza (MIT) Ed Blucher (University of Chicago) Glenn Horton-Smith (KSU) Herman White (FNAL) Josh Klein (University of Pennsylvania)Prof. Karl van Bibber (UC Berkeley)Dr Zelimir Djurcic (Argonne National Laboratory)


- How do we communicate the importance of fundamental and applied neutrino physics to Congress and the public? - What synergies exist between fundamental neutrino physics and proposed applications of neutrinos in other fields? - How can the community best take advantage of these synergies? - What training is useful for scientists to facilitate these synergies? - What technologies - accelerators, detectors – arising directly from neutrino physics are relevant in fields beyond fundamental science?

Presentation materials