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25–27 Apr 2013
Argonne National Laboratory
US/Central timezone

Panel discussion: US Strategy, Part I

25 Apr 2013, 14:00
1h 30m
Bldg. 362, Auditorium

Bldg. 362, Auditorium


Dr Christopher Mauger (LANL) Jennifer Raaf (Fermilab)Prof. Mark Messier (Indiana University)Dr Regina Rameika (Fermilab) Robert Svoboda (UC Davis)Prof. Robert Wilson (Colorado State University)


- How will LBNE test the 3-flavor paradigm in the context of a long-term program? What are other alternatives? - How important is breadth of program? - What aspect of LBNE does the community most value? Underground, near detector, more target mass?

Presentation materials