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25–27 Apr 2013
Argonne National Laboratory
US/Central timezone

Panel Discussion: Overall Neutrino Physics Strategy

25 Apr 2013, 11:20
1h 10m
Bldg. 362, Auditorium

Bldg. 362, Auditorium


Bill Marciano (BNL)Prof. Francis Halzen (University of Wisconsin)Prof. Jonathan Rosner (University of Chicago) Ken Lande (U. of Pennsylvania) Robert PLUNKETT (Fermilab) Ryan Patterson (Caltech) Stephen Parke (Fermilab) William Louis (LANL)


- What are the most important neutrino physics goals? - How well do we need to know the standard neutrino sector parameters? - What is the relative importance of testing the 3-flavor paradigm and exploring anomalies? - How do we frame a convincing and accurate narrative regarding the importance of the PMNS phase for understanding the lepton/baryon asymmetry of the Universe?

Presentation materials