Please read these instructions before posting any event on Fermilab Indico

Indico will be unavailable on Monday Feb 17th from 4:30-5PM CST due to server maintenance.

May 29 – 31, 2024
Wilson Hall
America/Chicago timezone

Call for Abstracts

  • Opening day
  • Submission deadline

Please submit abstracts for the poster session reception here. There is a limited amount of available space. Abstracts are reviewed and selected by members of the Scientific Organization Committee (SOC).

Please reach out to Dan Baxter ( if you have any questions.

General Information:

The poster session will take place during a reception on Thursday afternoon, May 30, 2024.

Please take your posters with you at the end of the reception. We will discard remaining posters.

Additional detailed information regarding the poster session will
follow after the abstracts selection.

Poster Instructions:

Only one presenter per poster. Presenters must be able to explain the content of the poster. All posters must be 3 x 4 feet, where larger posters are disqualified.

The call for abstracts is closed.