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29–31 May 2024
Wilson Hall
America/Chicago timezone

Creating Correlated Errors on Transmon Qubits Using an Electron Linear Accelerator

Not scheduled
2nd Floor Crossover (Wiilson Hall)

2nd Floor Crossover

Wiilson Hall


Superconducting transmon qubits are known to be susceptible to errors due to ionizing radiation from ambient radioactive decay and cosmic ray sources (muons). Here, we use a ~22 MeV electron linear accelerator (linac) as an on-demand high-energy particle source to study deleterious effects on a multi-qubit transmon system. The linac provides a pulsed, microsecond burst of radiation that can be redirected at our dilution refrigerator to cause qubit errors. We show that the radiation-induced error dynamics of individual qubits, and the system as a whole, can be easily and quickly extracted due to the on-demand nature of our radiation source and rapid few-microsecond qubit measurement cycle. We present differences in error dynamics due to qubit design and state preparation. We also outline how our experimental configuration should accurately mimic the energy deposition from a typical cosmic-ray muon. This testbed provides a useful tool for the investigation of novel qubit design and packaging techniques for the mitigation of radiation-induced errors.

Primary authors

Dr Thomas McJunkin (JHU Applied Physics Laboratory) Dr Alan W Hunt (JHU Applied Physics Laboratory) Dr Thomas M Haard (JHU Applied Physics Laboratory) Dr Yenuel Jones-Alberty (JHU Applied Physics Laboratory) Mr Matthew K Spear (JHU Applied Physics Laboratory) Dr Kevin M Schultz (JHU Applied Physics Laboratory)

Presentation materials

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