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Steve Gorlay - Fermilab - Superconducting Magnet Technology for Future 10 TeV pCM Colliders


Abstract: HEP facilities based on superconductivity are powerful platforms for technology development. The boundary of superconducting technology is constantly pushed to satisfy scientific needs, and at the same time creates and enlarges applications for society. These include large, high field magnets for dark matter searches, fusion, and ultrahigh-field NMR, to name a few.

The Particle Physics Project Prioritization Panel (P5), a decadal strategic planning exercise of the Particle Physics Community, has released their final report. The report is based on input from “Snowmass,” a scientific study to define the most important questions for the field of particle physics and identify promising opportunities to address them. Taking input from Snowmass, P5 lays out a strategic plan and sets priorities for the field. A broad range of proposals for future facilities were put forward, with a few targeting 10 TeV pCM energy. All of these require beyond state-of-the-art superconducting materials and magnets. Among them, a Muon Collider has generated considerable interest from the particle physics community. Enabling such a facility will involve solving a variety of challenges that will be described in

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