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29–31 May 2013
US/Central timezone

R11410-21 3-Inch Photomultiplier Tube for XENON1T Dark Matter Experiment.


Dr Alexey Lyashenko (UCLA)


To satisfy the requirements of the next generation of dark matter detectors based on the dual phase TPC, Hamamatsu, has developed the R11410-21 photomultipler tube. We present the results of the detailed measurements of various PMT characteristics. High QE (>30%) accompanied by a low dark count rate (50 Hz at 0.3 PE) and high gain (10^7) with good single PE resolution have been observed. A comprehensive screening measurement campaign is ongoing while the manufacturer quotes a radioactivity of 20 mBq/PMT. Several tests in LXe were performed in environments similar to a dark matter detector setup. These measurements show the R11410-21 to be particularly suitable for the forthcoming zero background liquid xenon detectors.

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