Muon collider detectors will require 4D trackers capable of determining the track time of arrival with tens of pico-second timing precision to reject beam induced backgrounds. As one of the critical components necessary to enable 4D tracking, we developed an innovative 4-channel sub-10ps Time-to-Digital Converter (TDC) ASIC in the 28nm CMOS technology node. The developed TDC is based on a...
This poster presents two projects aimed at evaluating and adapting A Common Tracking Software (ACTS) for future collider experiments. In the first project, an evaluation of the latest version of ACTS (v32) has been conducted through various performance studies, both with and without Beam Induced Background events. The new ACTS version has demonstrated improvements over the previous version in...
In order to minimize the Beam Induced Background contribution, shielding nozzles are placed inside the detector. This contribution aims to summarize the studies done on the shape of the nozzles and on the feasibility of detector installation inside them to detect forward muons for the $\sqrt(s) = 3 \ TeV$ Muon Collider.
The next generation of High Energy Physics experiments have set a new baseline of computational needs in all DOE frontiers. The energy frontier with the main experiments at the future High-Luminosity Large Hadron Collider, the intensity frontier with neutrino and dark matter experiments, and the cosmic frontier with unprecedented amounts of data from new observatories. The Snowmass community...
The muon collider stands as one of the most promising prospects for next-generation high-energy particle physics experiments. However, it presents significant challenges, particularly in managing the beam-induced background (BIB) resulting from various muon decay sources. Currently, several mitigation strategies are under investigation, such as leveraging timing information from the innermost...
Electron cooling of muons has the potential to enable an enormous increase in muon beam phase space density. At low energy and with a high electron current, evaluation of the cooling process indicates that the muon phase space can be reduced by a factor of about one hundred billion during several microseconds of cooling time. To achieve the needed high electron currents at low energy, we...
A full detector simulation has been implemented from scratch in dd4hep. We present preliminary studies of EM pointing resolution and BIB response in such a detector with the goal of identifying the most appropriate performance benchmarks with respect to the physics case for MuonC detector development going forward.
The Muon Collider (MuC) promises to be able to extend the lepton-collider energy reach to much higher energies. To produce an acceptable muon current, a 1- to 4-MW proton beam at 5 to 20 GeV is required, with an optimum at 2 MW. Development of a target system capable of reliably withstanding such an intense beam is a substantial challenge. The initial plan is to consider use of solid graphite...
A muon collider allows one to have a high energy reach for physics studies while having a relatively compact footprint. Ideally such a machine would accelerate muon beams to about 5 TeV. We present a preliminary lattice design for a pulsed synchrotron that will accelerate muon beams to their maximum collision energy and having a circumference of 16.5 km, which would allow it to fit just...
Efficient and accurate algorithms are necessary to reconstruct particles in the highly granular detectors anticipated at future proton-proton, electron-positron, and muon colliders. We study scalable machine-learning models for event reconstruction in electron-positron collisions based on a full detector simulation. Particle-flow reconstruction can be formulated as a supervised learning task...
In any muon collider detector, abundant beam-induced backgrounds will challenge reconstruction algorithms. Cell-specific minimum-energy thresholds have shown some effectiveness in reducing diffuse, low-energy BIB contributions during digitization in a simulated 10TeV muon collider detector, but further research is needed to optimize these methods. This project aims to explore the use of...
This presentation will describe recent efforts to visualize muon collider detector geometries and collision events with modern 3D game development tools, particularly Unreal Engine 5. The workflow from HEP-specific tools to industry standard formats will be described, and an interactive demo will be available.
A recent re-analysis of data on the training in several designs, including the LHC, leads to a proposed theory of cable training and suggestions for experiments that could test the hypotheses.
The longitudinal compression of intense proton bunches with strong space-charge force is an essential component of a proton-based muon source for a muon collider. This paper discusses a proton-bunch compression experiment at the Integrable Optics Test Accelerator (IOTA) storage ring at Fermilab to explore optimal radio frequency (RF) cavity and lattice configurations. IOTA is a compact...
The modeling of collective effects in the muon beam during ionization cooling and acceleration pose important challenges for a Muon Collider design. Toward the end of the ionization cooling channel, the intense, short muon bunches are subject to significant space charge, and induce wakefields in the foil and the surrounding RF cooling cell that may result in the distortion of the RF waveform....
Fluka is a simulation software used to simulate the interaction and travel of particles in any material. It has many applications in high energy physics, engineering, detector design, etc. One application that has been of interest lately was simulating muon colliders. A simulation of muon beams with several energies travelling down a 25m beampipe will be presented.