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7–9 Aug 2024
Fermilab - Wilson Hall
US/Central timezone


"..., the road toward it leads from current Fermilab strengths and capabilities to a series of proton beam improvements and neutrino beam facilities, each producing world-class science while performing critical R&D towards a muon collider. At the end of the path is an unparalleled global facility on US soil. This is our Muon Shot."

–– From the 2023 P5 Report


Over the last decade, major developments in  target technology, high field magnets, ionization cooling and precision timing detectors have turned a muon collider from a far-off dream to a tangible possibility. However, realization of such a collider still requires significant international R&D and demonstrator program stretching over the next 2 decades.

Current estimates for the duration of the required R&D program aim for technical readiness to construct the machine in approximately 20 years, making a muon collider the fastest path to energies beyond the LHC. However adequate funding is necessary to maintain this plan and prevent loss in expertise and personnel. With dedicated R&D today, we can re-invigorate the US accelerator program, and inspire particle physicists for decades to come.

Piggybacking off of planned upgrades for Fermilab's proton complex, there is an opportunity to build a Fermilab-sited muon collider, bringing the energy frontier back to US soil.


Read the Science article here
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