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CPAD RDC July 2024 Community Meeting


Q&A Document:

    • 12:00 12:10
      Introductions 10m
      Speaker: Jonathan Asaadi
    • 12:10 12:25
      Development of Ultrafast Timing Detectors Using Wide Band Gap Semiconductor Materials 15m
      Speaker: Carl Haber (Lawrence Berkeley National Lab)
    • 12:25 12:40
      Smart Dust for Particle Tracking 15m
      Speaker: Yuan Mei (LBNL)
    • 12:40 12:55
      An exploration of high resistivity sub-kelvin Tc superconductors for particle astrophysics and cosmology detectors 15m
      Speaker: Bryan Steinbach
    • 12:55 13:10
      Characterizing the Performance of Novel Charge Readout Structures in High-Pressure Gaseous TPCs 15m
      Speakers: Tanaz Mohayai (Indiana University), Tanaz Mohayai (Indiana University)
    • 13:10 13:25
      RADiCAL – a modular testbed methodology for high performance, ultracompact, sampling EM Calorimetry 15m
      Speakers: Carlos Perez Lara, Carlos Perez Lara, Randy Ruchti (University of Notre Dame)
    • 13:25 13:40
      Particle ID by Time-of-Flight 15m
      Speaker: Roger Rusack (The University of Minnesota)
    • 13:40 13:55
      GridPIX Gating 15m
      Speaker: Evgeny Shulga (Stony Brook University)
    • 13:55 14:10
      Rad Hard Optical Readout 15m
      Speaker: Sajjad Moazeni
    • 14:10 14:25
      Pushing the time resolution limit with innovative LGAD design in combination with fast-timing readout and infrastructure 15m
      Speaker: Simone Mazza (UC Santa Cruz)
    • 14:25 14:35
      Break 10m
    • 14:35 14:50
      Development of Radiation Hard Ga2O3 Detectors for High Energy Physics 15m
      Speaker: Ga Yang
    • 14:50 15:05
      The ADRIANO3 Triple-Readout Calorimetric Technique 15m
      Speakers: Burak Bilki (University of Iowa / Argonne National Laboratory), Burak Bilki
    • 15:05 15:20
      Emerging heterogeneous processing for future HEP experiments 15m
      Speakers: Alexander Paramonov (Argonne National Laboratory), Alexander Paramonov (Argonne National Laboratory), Zeynep Demiragli (Boston University), Zeynep Demiragli (Boston University)
    • 15:20 15:35
      Quantum Dot Scintillator Detector 15m
      Speakers: Serge Oktyabrsky (SUNY Polytechnic Institute), Serge Oktyabrsky (SUNY Polytechnic Institute)
    • 15:35 15:50
      Ultra-fast and low-noise silicon photomultiplier for next generation HEP detectors 15m
      Speaker: Shamim Shawkat (Florida International University)
    • 15:50 16:05
      DELTA-Digital End-to-end Light Trap Assembly for the realization of a new generation class of photon detectors 15m
      Speaker: Wei Shi (Stony Brook University)