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TMS Studies Meeting

    • 10:00 10:20
      Update on Energy Resolution from Gwyn 20m
      Speaker: Gywn - (University of Rochester)

      Gwyn – TMS Optimization (–20 min)

      • some clarifying questions on the slides/talk

      • (Tom LeCompte) horizontal strips in front seem to help most in lower energy range (~250 – 500)

      • (Tom Markiewicz) question for geometry used here, dimensions / air gaps?

      • (Andrew Furmanski) what is the steel error? → where did the particle actually stop / how much steel did it go through after the last registered hit

      • some discussion on why and where this is going to be useful


      • ( Steve Manly added in chat) For Gwyn's study: we used 200mm passive argon followed by a cold membrane and window with 62.8 g/cm^2 on average. We used a distance from the downstream edge of the ND-LAr cryo wall to the first plane of TMS to be 1025 mm

    • 10:20 10:40
      Update on Track Matching from Kate 20m
      Speaker: Katherine Hildebrandt (DUNE)

      Kate – Track Matching Update (~20 min)

      • some clarifying questions on the slides/talk

        • source of off-diagonal portion of lost momentum?

      • (Jeffrey Kleykamp) bug in position LAr End position array? → remake plots with correct value in arrays used


      Discussion after talks

      Tom LeCompte: Light yield from test piece is very high (~40% brighter than Mu2e scintillator, ~125 photons per MIP) → Bragg peak can be dissolved? Energy could be differently handled in code

      Could this scintillator be distributed to other groups/institutes for testing?


      Jeffrey: Who is writing about studies in the PDR?


      Asa: ND prototype workshop, who is going? → Liam, Asa