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The FERMI(FNAL) network authorization method has been removed. See news for more details.

Jul 23 – 24, 2013
Fermilab, Wilson Hall, Curia II
US/Central timezone

Proposal Submission

Universities, Industries, National laboratories from the U.S. and abroad are welcome to submit proposals for beamtime at the ASTA facility.

Proposals are peer reviewed and scored by a Program Advisory Committee (PAC), and time is allocated on the basis of scores and feasibility as determined by the ASTA group at Fermilab.

Nominally, the proposals expire  when the number of shifts requested by the users (or recommended by the PAC) has elapsed.

The proposal should be submitted to Margie Bruce ( The proposal format should include the following sections (see also template):

1.0  Introduction & Goals of the experiments (1 page max):

Describe overarching goals for the experiment and give some background information. Indicate which ASTA area(s)/energy(ies) you intent to use [e.g. IOTA ring, 50-MeV user area, or high-energy (above 50 MeV) user area].

2.0 Required beam parameters (1 page max):

Discuss needed parameters, their relevance and impact if not achieved. Provide value/range in table; see example in template below. If you have precise requirements on other parameter add them to the table.

In this Section you can also indicate the anticipated number of 8-hour
shifts you believe would be needed for successful completion of your

3.0 Personnel involved (0.5 page max):

Discuss Fermilab manpower needed with expertise; you can list these
needs in a table similar to what shown in the template. Indicate
students and other personnel involvement from your institution. If possible indicate name of a Fermilab point of contact or collaborator.

4.0 Experimental technique & expected outcomes (3 pages max):

Provide a rough schematics and description of anticipated experimental setup. Discuss whether the experiment is interceptive or not (can the
experiment be removed from the beam path without vacuum break).
Describe the hardware you would be providing and its capability to
sustain vacuum level compatible with the ASTA beamline requirements (~10-9 Torr). Discuss any additional hardware you would expect to be installed or available at ASTA.

5.0 Reference cited:

Cite relevant references.