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1–3 Oct 2013
Wilson Hall
US/Central timezone

Review Committee and Charge

Review Committee

Frank Kornegay, Chair, ORNL, retired,
David Kestell, LBNL,
Robert May, JLab,
Dennis Parzyck, DOE-FSO, retired,
Aria Soha, FNAL,
Michael Stanek, SLAC,


Michael Herr, DOE FSO,
Scott Davis, DOE SC-31,
Steve Neilson, DOE TJSO,

Review Facilitators

John Anderson Jr, FNAL,
Don Cossairt, FNAL,


During the last year and a half, Fermilab has made a number of important upgrades to its facilities to support beam operations in the initial phase of the intensity frontier of high energy physics. To be fully prepared to achieve the goals of the Fermilab experimental program, the laboratory is commissioning a limited scope Accelerator Readiness Review (ARR) of the modifications to the Main Injector (MI), Recycler, and Neutrinos at the Main Injector (NuMI) areas to support 700 kW operations for the NuMI experimental areas.  The laboratory is currently operating under the previously approved Accelerator Safety Envelop (ASE).  The Committee is requested to conduct a readiness review of the changes to the MI, Recycler, and NuMI areas to assess if the hardware, personnel, and administrative systems and programs are ready for operations within the proposed “high power ASE”. 
The Accelerator Division (AD) has completed a 15 month maintenance upgrade which consists of the following modifications to the MI, Recycler, and NuMI areas.  The Recycler Ring has a new injection line from the existing 8 GeV Line, a new extraction line to the MI, a new 53 MHz RF system, instrumentation upgrades, new beam abort kickers, and removal and decommissioning of no longer needed anti-proton components.  The Main Injector Ring added two 53 MHz cavities and upgraded the quadrupole power supplies.  The NuMI area installed a new target, moved secondary particle focusing horn 2 to the medium energy position, and upgraded the target and horn cooling systems and power supplies.
The upgrades perform three functions.  First, they allow for direct injection of 8 GeV proton beam from the Booster accelerator into the Recycler without first needing to go through the MI Ring.  Second they move slip-stacking operations, an RF process that doubles the intensity of each batch of protons, from the MI to the Recycler Ring.  Third, they allow the cycle time of the MI to reduce from ~2.5 seconds to ~1.33 seconds.  The reduction in cycle time provides an increase in integrated beam power to the NuMI beamline experimental areas.
To support 700 kW operations to the NuMI beamline experimental areas, revised Shielding Assessments for the MI & Recycler were developed.  A Safety Assessment Document (SAD) Chapter for the MI and Recycler was developed for the Fermilab SAD and the Fermilab ASE was revised based on the shielding assessments and SAD chapter.  The shielding assessments, SAD Chapter, and ASE have been reviewed in accordance with Fermilab policies and approved by the laboratory.
In performance of the readiness assessment of the MI, Recycler, and NuMI areas and the identification of potential issues, the committee is asked to address the following charge questions. Finally, the committee should present findings, opportunities for improvement, noteworthy practices, and specific answers to the charge questions at a closeout meeting with Fermilab’s management. A final written report is requested within two weeks after the review.
ARR Charge Questions
  1. Are the necessary safety program elements of the Contractor Requirements Document for DOE O420.2C, Safety of Accelerator Facilities, in place?
    1. A Contractor Assurance System that maintains an internal assessment process;
    2. A Facility Configuration Management Program that is related to accelerator safety; and
    3. Credited controls and appropriate administrative processes related to accelerator safety (e.g. training, procedures, etc.).
  2. Has the laboratory developed a process for ensuring safe operations?
  3. Are the necessary credited controls, accelerator hardware, beamline controls and monitoring systems, trained personnel, and administrative processes in place and adequate to support the Main Injector, Recycler, and NuMI areas at beam power within the proposed “high power ASE”?