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The FERMI(FNAL) network authorization method has been removed. See news for more details.

1–3 Oct 2013
Wilson Hall
US/Central timezone

Visiting Fermilab

Visiting Fermilab

The following links contain information that you may find useful when visiting Fermilab for the Accelerator Readiness Review (ARR).  The links contain PDF maps of the area surrounding Fermilab and the Fermilab site. 
The Fermilab site has security checkpoints at each entrance.  When arriving at the checkpoints, you will need to show a driver’s license, DOE ID, or some form of government issued ID, state where you are going, and your purpose for the visit. 
The ARR meetings will begin on the 1st floor of Wilson Hall each day.  Parking is available on both the east and west sides of the building.  Please note that parking in the horseshoe areas in front of and behind Wilson Hall is restricted by time or parking pass due to security reasons.
Fermilab has a contract security department that patrols the site.  Please obey posted speed limits.  Coming to a complete stop at “Stop” signs is rigorously enforced.
The cafeteria on the first floor of Wilson Hall is open for breakfast at 7:30 am each day.  The food is good and reasonably priced if you are looking for someplace to eat.

Visiting Fermilab

Hours, Directions and Maps