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7–8 Mar 2014
US/Central timezone
The coming decade will see a much higher focus on lepton physics in the intensity frontier program. Lattice QCD calculations will be needed throughout this program. The New Muon g-2 experiment needs the hadronic corrections to the g-2 of the muon to be a success. The Mu2e experiment needs nucleon matrix elements from the lattice to interpret their observations in terms of underlying physics models. Lattice calculations of nucleon matrix elements are needed for neutrino experiments such as LBNE in order to disentangle sources of uncertainty. High-intensity Higgs studies will require very high-precision lattice determinations of the b quark mass to be successful. Quark-flavor physics will continue to play an important role with the turn on of Belle II, upgrades at LHCb, and rare kaon decay experiments. The day and a half workshop will seek to bring together experimenters, phenomenologists, and lattice theorists in these areas of mutual interest and will seek to achieve a common understanding of the needs of experiment and the possibilities from lattice calculations in the coming decade.
Curia II
Kirk Road and Pine Street Batavia, Illinois
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