Background: The 35ton is a prototype for the LBNF far detector focused on aspects of the design that will not be tested by other LAr experiments: modular design (multiple drift volumes, gaps between modules), wrapped wire planes, and new light detector technology. All three of these items are critical for building a very large LArTPC.
The 35ton will take data cosmic ray 23Apr-30June in the current schedule. The cryostat is not movable, so there
are no plans for test beam/neutrino beam running with this device. However, a second cosmic ray run is not impossible.
Here is the incomplete list of opportunities for SCD to support this effort:
1. Mitigate disputes among experiments using larsoft - one example is the proposed change to the
hit object
- larsoft is evolving reconstruction code shared among several experiments. Microboone has
an army of postdocs and urgent needs because data is coming. We need a neutral party to look
at their proposals in the light of experiment-agnostic shared code. We can't test things at the
same speed that they propose and implement changes, so some help testing their changes is
needed. Also, the documentation is often not accessible to non-Microboone parties,
and their meetings are closed to LBNE, so the neutral party is essential.
- Gianluca Petrillo and Erica Snider are currently doing this - the extent to which they can help
us test things is very limited because of other demands on their time
** Our request: at the very least, maintain the current level of support indefinitely. If possible,
increase manpower during the microboone crunch time, in which they are not able to be
team players for LArSoft. Ideally, add more permanent staff to the SCD larsoft team as this
will likely be an ongoing need for the "smaller" experiments using LArSoft (LArIAT, LBNE-35ton,
LAr1-ND, LBNE-CERNtestbeam, ICARUS+?) trying to keep up with MicroBooNe.
2. Finish implementation and maintain support for the CI system at the very least.
- Eric Church has helped LBNE implement our first CI test into the system. We need his continued
support over the next couple months to implement more tests as our code develops. We note
that Eric is an excellent resource overall for LBNE and we would like to see him be a permanent
part of the LArSoft team. Other small experiments will likely require assistance setting up their
CI tests as well.
3. Continue the excellent support for ARTDAQ
4. Splitting events up in ART, or Division of the 10-window DAQ events into smaller pieces -
critical item. Proposed effort: Chris Green and Marc Paterno (with SCD blessing).
- Assistance of the ART team in both finding and implementing the best solution to this challenge.
5. Existing LArSoft reconstruction routines that currently don't work for LBNE: shower reco (in larlight)
and cluster crawler
- these were written and tested on Microboone, need to be generalized and tested on 35ton.
Our request: (lower priority than 1&2) - someone from SCD do the adaptation and testing of
these algorithms. Normally this would fall under the experiment's umbrella, but we are
lacking manpower and have ignored this for the last six months. The result is essentially a
forking of the code used by uboone and the 35ton . . . . which is destructive to the idea
of a collaborative larsoft.
NOTE: - that while this is a one time request for the two routines mentioned, one can easily
anticipate a need for this continually in the future, as one of the experiments dominates the
others in manpower and activity. Again, LArIAT and LAr1-ND are likely in a similar situation
of being unable to keep up with the development of larsoft.
6. Incorporating the Photon Detector data stream into the event record - currently not covered,
not enough effort, need help. Proposed effort: SCD person for 1 month.
7. Database interface with LArSoft - calibration constants and operating parameters.