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MAP IB Meeting

ReadyTalk (Audio Conf) (Fermilab)

ReadyTalk (Audio Conf)


Batavia IL
Daniel Kaplan (Illinois Institute of Technology)
    • 09:00 09:05
      Introduction and News 5m
      Speaker: Prof. Daniel Kaplan (Illinois Institute of Technology)
    • 09:05 09:15
      Progress towards JINST volume & plans for setting up editorial committee 10m
      Speaker: Dr Mark Palmer (Fermilab)
      Information from Editors
      JINST_TOC (preliminary)
    • 09:15 09:35
      Progress towards GARD proposals 20m
      Speaker: Dr Robert Ryne (LBNL)
    • 09:35 09:45
      Preparations for MAP Summer Collaboration Meeting 10m
      Who would be good speakers for muon accelerator-oriented talks at the Tuesday Accelerator Physics and Technology Seminar and the Friday Wine and Cheese Seminar?
      Speaker: Prof. Daniel Kaplan (Illinois Institute of Technology)
    • 09:45 09:55
      Continue discussion of internationalizing our efforts 10m
      Speaker: Prof. Daniel Kaplan (Illinois Institute of Technology)
    • 09:55 10:00
      AOB 5m