Vrishali Subramanian
(Ca' Foscari Univeristy, Venice)
09/03/2015, 16:30
Parallel session 2C: Industrial decision support tools
Nano-innovation can be impeded by significant knowledge and data gaps in the Environmental Health and Safety effects of Engineered Nanomaterials. The European Commission has funded a project on sustainable nanotechnology (SUN, http://www.sun-fp7.eu/) that aims to build tools to assess ecological and human health risks, environmental impacts, risk management measures and benefits of...
Claudia Som
09/03/2015, 16:54
Parallel session 2C: Industrial decision support tools
Additional Authors: Roland Hischier, Empa,roland.hischier@empa.ch
Bernd Nowack, Empa,bernd.nowack@empa.ch
Ingrid Hincapie, Empa, ingrid.hincapie@empa.ch
Dominic Notter, Empa, dominic.notter@empa.ch
Harrie E. Buist, TNO,harrie.buist@tno.nl
Wouter Fransman, TNO,wouter.fransman@tno.nl
Jörg Güttinger, NCB,joerg.guettinger@ncb.ch
Abstract: Small and medium sized enterprizes (SMEs) often...
Ceyda Oksel
(Institute of Particle Science and Engineering, School of Chemical and Process Engineering, University of Leeds)
09/03/2015, 17:18
Parallel session 2C: Industrial decision support tools
"Abstract: Manufacture of nanometre particulate form products in suspensions is becoming increasingly important to the pharmaceutical, speciality chemical, and functional material industries. For instance, nano-processing is now used as an effective drug-delivery method for solid form hydrophobic pharmaceuticals due to the dramatically increased drug solubility and bioavailability at...
Henning Wigger
(Department of Technological Design and Development, Faculty of Production Engineering, University of Bremen)
09/03/2015, 17:42
Parallel session 2C: Industrial decision support tools
Apart from completely novel functionalities, the utilization of nanomaterials (NMs) holds great promise for increasing the performance and efficiency of products and processes. In doing so, they are also expected to be more sustainable in that they may allow for products and processes that can provide better services using less material and energy. However, whether or not NMs do in fact...
Karena Hester
(University of Limerick)
09/03/2015, 18:06
Parallel session 2C: Industrial decision support tools
Nanotechnology (NT) - the deliberate and purposeful design production use andmanipulation of nanomaterials encompasses disciplines including but not limited to chemistry, physics, material sciences, engineering, information technology, biotechnologies. While there is significant uncertainty in relation to the possible risks of the consequences of NT, there is significant certainty that NT...