Yong Hu
(Brookhaven National Lab)
A correct measurement of NSLS-II beam parameters (beam position, beam size, circulating current, beam emittance, etc.) depends on the effective combinations of beam monitors, control and data acquisition system, and high level physics applications. This talk will present EPICS-based control system for NSLS-II diagnostics and give detailed descriptions of diagnostics controls interfaces including classifications of diagnostics, electronics and EPICS IOC platforms, and interfaces to other subsystems. Commissioning results of NSLS-II accelerators, including Linac, Booster, and Storage Ring, are also presented.
NSLS-II beam diagnostics control system is completely EPICS-based. Utilization of commercial off-the-shelf hardware as well as in-house BPM electronics development is deployed to meet NSLS-II project requirements and schedule. Diagnostics and control system has been playing a vital role during NSLS-II accelerator commissioning and operation.
Primary author
Yong Hu
(Brookhaven National Lab)