Norihiko Kamikubota
Recent card-size PCs, such as Raspberry Pi or BBB (Beagle bone black),
have enough performance to use as EPICS IOCs. In ERL in KEK-Tsukuba, a
few pieces of BBB IOCs with serial lines were developed to monitor
radiation-monitoring instruments [1]. However, due to lack of long-term
reliability and hardness, mass introduction to accelerator controls is
not realistic.
We have started study to develop a customized card-size PC. It will:
1) use long-term guaranteed parts, 2) has simple IOs (1 LAN, 2 serials,
8bit io), 3) be used with a hard metal-chassis, and 4) be not low-cost
but ...
We hope to develop a prototype by the end of FY2015. After 2016, it
will be used for newly introduced devices. In addition, part of legacy
VME-bus IOCs in J-PARC MR will be replaced by them.
[1] T.Obina, "Development of Compact Device Server with EPICS", PASJ2014-MOOL08, 11th Annual Meeting of Particle Accelerator Society of Japan, 2014
Primary author
Norihiko Kamikubota