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May 18 – 22, 2015
1200 Molecular Plant Science Building, Michigan State University
EST5EDT timezone
Registration and Abstract Submission Now Open!

Ophyd: Software for Data Collection, Management, and Analysis

May 20, 2015, 4:15 PM
1200 Molecular Plant Science Building, Michigan State University

1200 Molecular Plant Science Building, Michigan State University

15 minute contribution Services


Arman Arkilic (Brookhaven National Lab)


Ophyd is a Python-based framework for experiment control under development at Brookhaven National Lab and deployed for use on NSLS-II beamlines. The software supports device control, data collection and distribution, reciprocal space operations, integration with electronic logging, and more. Ophyd is coupled with searchable back-end storage and retrieval components, which together form an end-to-end data management architecture for the NSLS-II. An overview of Ophyd’s architecture and its accompanying data management infrastructure will be discussed.

Primary author


Arman Arkilic (Brookhaven National Lab)

Presentation materials