Mark Rivers
(Univ. of Chicago)
areaDetector: What’s New?
M. L. Rivers, Center for Advanced Radiation Sources (CARS), The University of Chicago, Chicago, IL 60637
This talk will focus on enhancements to the areaDetector package since it was last presented at the 2014 collaboration meeting at Saclay. These include:
- New driver for cameras from QImaging.
- New driver for Dexela flat-panel CMOS detectors from Perkin Elmer.
- New driver for detectors from Princeton Instruments using their PICam library.
- New driver for the Merlin detector from Quantum detectors.
- Added the modules ffmegViewer, ffmegServer, aravisGogE, and firewireDCAM to the github repository. These modules were written at Diamond Light Source and were previously hosted there.
- NDPluginROIStat: New plugin that supports multiple regions-of-interest with simple statistics on each. It is more efficient and convenient than the existing NDPluginROI and NDPluginStats when many regions of interest with simple statistics are needed.
- NDPluginCircularBuff: New plugin that implements a circular buffer. NDArrays are stored in the buffer until a trigger is received. When a trigger is received it outputs a configurable number of pre-trigger and post-trigger NDArrays. The trigger is based on NDArray attributes using a user-defined calculation.
- NDPluginAttribute: New plugin that exports attributes of NDArrays as EPICS PVs. Both scalar (ai records) and time-series arrays (waveform records) are exported.
- iocs/simDetectorNoIOC: New application that demonstrates how to instantiate a simDetector driver and a number of plugins in a standalone C++ application, without running an EPICS IOC. Applications only need the libCom library from EPICS base and the asyn library.
The talk will also discuss future plans for the areaDetector package.
Primary author
Mark Rivers
(Univ. of Chicago)