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18–22 May 2015
1200 Molecular Plant Science Building, Michigan State University
EST5EDT timezone
Registration and Abstract Submission Now Open!

Accessing NI Network Shared Variables from EPICS IOCs

20 May 2015, 10:40
1200 Molecular Plant Science Building, Michigan State University

1200 Molecular Plant Science Building, Michigan State University

5 minute contribution Five Minute Talks


Dr Frederick Akeroyd (ISIS facility, STFC, GB)


Network Variables are a convenient method for sharing information between National Instruments (NI) software and hardware. We have developed a configurable EPICS IOC for accessing information from such sources and exporting them as process variables, the intention being to use the shared variables as a clean interface between our EPICS control system and some specific third party provided equipment. The IOC software uses the LabWindows/CVI Network Variable Library and so can be run on Windows and several flavours of Linux.

Primary author

Dr Frederick Akeroyd (ISIS facility, STFC, GB)

Presentation materials