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18–22 May 2015
1200 Molecular Plant Science Building, Michigan State University
EST5EDT timezone
Registration and Abstract Submission Now Open!

nED - EPICS-based neutron data acquisition and detector control software

20 May 2015, 14:15
1200 Molecular Plant Science Building, Michigan State University

1200 Molecular Plant Science Building, Michigan State University

15 minute contribution Experimental Controls


Mr Gregory Guyotte (ORNL / SNS)


This talk will present an overview of nED software, with a focus on the software architecture and design.


At ORNL's Spallation Neutron Source, a next generation neutron data acquisition and detector control software system is being developed to replace the legacy software. This high performance software is known as nED (neutron Event Distributor), and is actively being deployed at production beam lines. nED is developed as an EPICS soft IOC, utilizing asynPortDriver to communicate with detector hardware, and EPICS v4 is leveraged to serve neutron data to higher layer clients. With nED, strides are being made to improve both the stability and the data throughput possible in current data acquisition software.

Primary author

Mr Gregory Guyotte (ORNL / SNS)

Presentation materials