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18–22 May 2015
1200 Molecular Plant Science Building, Michigan State University
EST5EDT timezone
Registration and Abstract Submission Now Open!

Status of RAON control system

19 May 2015, 11:30
1200 Molecular Plant Science Building, Michigan State University

1200 Molecular Plant Science Building, Michigan State University

15 minute contribution Status Reports


Dr Jeong Han Lee (Institute for Basic Science)


The Rare Isotope Science Project (RISP) at the Institute for Basic Science (IBS) constructs the rare isotope accelerator facility in South Korea. Since the facility uses stable ion beams and rare isotope beams dependently, independently, or both, possible operation modes and its combination could be a complex of different accelerator sub-systems. Therefore it will be a challenge to build an integrated control systems for the rare isotope accelerator named as RAON. In this report, we will present current status of the overall RAON control systems based on EPICS.

Primary author

Dr Jeong Han Lee (Institute for Basic Science)

Presentation materials