17 June 2015
Gaylord National Hotel
US/Eastern timezone

Participant List

77 participants

First Name Last Name Affiliation
Aaron Sauers, CLP Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory
Akeem Stephenson National Nuclear Security Administration
Arthur Trausch NNSA ABQ
Brian Lally DOE-ISC Chicago
Bruce Harrer Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Carla Neckles Brookhaven National Laboratory
Carrie Burchard Sandia National Laboratories
Charles Russomanno U.S. DOE, Office of the Under Secretary for Science and Energy
Cherri Schmidt Fermilab
Chi Nguyen Livermore Field Office
Chris Ford U.S. Department of Energy
Connie Cleary Brookhaven National Laboratory
Dale Haas Savannah River National Laboratory
Dan Sanchez U.S. Department of Energy/NNSA
Daniel Krueger National Security Campus (NSC - formerly KCP)
Daniel Lamb US DOE
Daniel Park US Dept of Energy
David Danielson U.S. Department of Energy
Debra Covey The Ames Laboratory
Diane Hart Argonne National Laboratory
Donald Macdonald DOE-Idaho
Elsie Quaite-Randall Lawrence Berkeley National Lab
Emily Schneider DOE Oak Ridge Office
Eric Barzee Idaho National Laboratory
Eric Colby U.S. Department of Energy
Eugene Cochran Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Evelyn Landini Department of Energy - Brookhaven Site Office
Gena Cadieux Department of Energy
Georgia Benjamin Department of Energy
Ingrid Kolb U.S. Department of Energy
Ingrid Milton DOE - HQ, Office of Technology Transitions
Jason Martinez Sandia National Laboratories
Jeannett Jackman DOE-CH
Jennifer Caldwell Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Jennifer Hartmann Department of Energy - Brookhaven Site Office
Jennifer Holroyd Savannah River National Laboratory
Jeremy Benton Y-12 National Security Complex
Jessica Sosenko National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL)
Jetta Wong Department of Energy
John Lucas DOE HQ
John Myer Fermi Research Alliance, LLC
Joseph Scarcello Jefferson Science Asso., LLC / Jefferson Lab
Joyce Losick-Yang US Department of Energy, Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy
Joyce Yang U.S. Department of Energy
Julia Moody US Department of Energy - Golden Field Office
Keith Lockie Dept of Energy, Idaho Operations Office
Kevin Greenaugh U.S. Department of Energy
Kim Tafe DOE-SC Princeton Site Office
Kristin Gray NREL
Lars Husebo Brookhaven National Laboratory
Laurie Bagley Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory, Princeton University
Lee Finewood NNSA - Office of Strategic Partnerships
Lee Ann Carnahan NETL
Madelynne Farber Sandia National Laboratories
Matthew Ennis Savannah River Nuclear Solutions / Savannah River National Laboratory
Melanie Fletcher U.S. Department of Energy Pacific Northwest Site Office (PNSO)
Michael Dobbs DOE-ISC Chicago
Michael Furey Brookhaven National Laboratory
Michael Paulus Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Michael Renner Consolidated Nuclear Security LLC - Y-12
Michael Willardson SLAC
Michele Weigand National Security Campus
Michelle Wong Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Miguelangel Marchan Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory
Nestor Franco Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Penny Fell Savannah river nuclear solutions
Peter Atherton Sandia National Laboratories
Peter Christensen Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Peter Slawniak Argonne National Laboratory
Poornima Upadhya Brookhaven National Laboratory
Rebecca Biasiny Savannah River National Laboratory
Richard Rankin Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Stacy Joiner Ames Laboratory
Steven McMaster Department of Energy
Susan Sprake Los Alamos National Laboratory
Timothy Jones DOE-EERE
William Farris NREL