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3–6 Mar 2008
US/Central timezone

(no title)

5 Mar 2008, 15:30
1h 30m
Grumman Auditorium (RENCI)

Grumman Auditorium



This panelists on this session will talk about the opportunities and experiences with Communication, Education and Outreach. There will be 10 minute introductions from each of the members of the panel, followed by a period of discussion:

International Science Grid This Week, Cristy Burne (iSGTW),
After Grid School 1, Andrew Jamieson (University of Chicago),
After Grid School 2, John Sanabria (University of Puerto Rico at Mayagüez)
After Grid School 3, Robert Martin (University of Texas at Brownsville)
Internet2 and the CI Days activity, Russ Hobby (internet2)
SURAgrid Education and Outreach: Linda Akli (SURA)

Presentation materials