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26 January 2016
IARC Conference Hall
US/Central timezone
IARC Conference Hall
As part of the strategic planning of our division, we are organizing a full-day R&D retreat on Tue, Jan, 26 with the main themes of: * Status and results from ongoing R&D efforts and plans for the next few years, including the alignment of the research efforts with the P5 and HEPAP accelerator R&D subpanels * Discussion of the adequacy of the research efforts, as TD is expected to contribute to future Intensity Frontier HEP facilities at Fermilab, as well as future high energy colliders worldwide, which are supported by the US. The following specific questions will be addressed: * Do we miss any R&D topics of importance for HEP that fall intro areas of the TD expertise? * Are there R&D topics that could be dropped? * Is there a need to redistribute/realign resources? * How well do we collaborate with other labs and universities? What’s the best way to improve it further? * How are we doing in involving/educating students and postdocs? Are any improvements necessary? * What are the possible ideas of expanding our R&D effort by bringing support from other (non-HEP) sources? The agenda will consist of programmatic R&D presentations of the various ongoing efforts in SRF and Magnets, as well as solicited contributions from the participants on the proposed new ideas and/or directions of research in SRF, Magnets, and other potential areas. If you have an idea, strong opinion, or proposal and would like to present/discuss it during the retreat, please send an e-mail with the short title/abstract to: (and cc and The preparation for the retreat will also include a poll with several questions to better understand the current views and perceptions of the scientific personnel. Please plan to participate in this important retreat, which will shape the future of our division’s research program. We ask you to register to the event and answer the quick poll available upon registration. Best regards, Alex, Sasha, and Giorgio