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11–20 Aug 2016
Fermilab - Wilson Hall
US/Central timezone

At the present time experiments at Hadron Colliders provide our best vision into physics at the TeV scale. The LHC discovered the Higgs boson in its first run, and is now preparing to operate at the energy frontier opening a new era in the exploration of the smallest scales accessible to scientists. The Fermilab Tevatron experiments are currently exploring the electroweak scale using their full collected data sets. Plans for the next big Hadron Collider are begining to emerge. To realize the full potential of these developments, Fermilab and CERN are offering a series of "Hadron Collider Physics Summer Schools", to prepare young researchers for these exciting times. The first school took place at Fermilab in 2006, followed by the second school at CERN in 2007. The eleventh school will take place August 11-20, 2016 at Fermilab, and will build on the successes of the previous schools.


Confirmed Lecturers: 

Yuval Grossman (Cornell) - Standard Model

Glen Cowan (London) - Statistic

Stefan Hoeche (SLAC) - QCD and Monte Carlo Tools

Robin Erbacher (Davis) - Top Physics 

Mariangela Lisanti (Princeton) - Dark Matter

Matt Reece (Harvard) - Beyond the SM Theory
Andre De Gouvea (Northwestern) - Neutrinos and Muons

Ian Shipsey (Oxford) - Flavor Physics 

Daniella Bortolleto (Oxford) - Tracking

Jim Olsen (Princeton) - Higgs Measurements

Wesley Smith (Wisconsin) - Trigger/DAQ

Albert de Roeck (CERN) - Beyond the SM Measurments  

Chris Tully (Princeton) - Calorimetry

Helen Caines (Yale) - Heavy Ion Physics 

Phil Harris (CERN) - Reconstruction
Vladimir Shiltsev (Fermilab) - Particle Accelerators


Special Lectures:

Stefania Gori (Cincinatti) - Exotic Higgs Decays
Dmitri Denisov (Fermilab) - Future Colliders

Michael Kagan (SLAC) - Deep Learning

and more ...

Fermilab - Wilson Hall
One West
Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory Batavia, IL