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11–20 Aug 2016
Fermilab - Wilson Hall
US/Central timezone


11th Annual Fermilab-CERN Hadron Collider Physics Summer School

With the start of Run-2, the Large Hadron Collider operates at the highest energy frontier yet achieved in the laboratory, probing Nature at the smallest distances. To exploit the full potential and prepare for possible discoveries at these new frontiers, CERN and Fermilab are jointly offering a series of "Hadron Collider Physics Summer Schools", to prepare young post docs and advanced graduate students for these unprecedented and exciting times in hadron collider physics.  The eleventh such school will take place 11-20 August, 2016 at Fermilab, and will build on the successes of the previous schools.

The target audience is young postdocs and advanced graduate students, with a strong interest in hadron collider physics. Both theorists and experimentalists are encouraged to apply. Lectures will be pedagogical reviews of both the theoretical and experimental underpinnings of hadron collider physics, as well as a number of special topics drawn from other exciting results at the forefront of research. There will also be informal discussions, tours and social activities.  Students will also have an opportunity to visit the nearby city of Chicago.

Applications and references should be received by 10 April, 2016 for full consideration. The participants will be housed at the nearby Embassy Suites. Some funding may be available to help support a limited number of participants.
 **Students from countries requiring a Visa are strongly encouraged to apply early**