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11–20 Aug 2016
Fermilab - Wilson Hall
US/Central timezone

Lecturer List

Confirmed Lecturers:

Jim Olsen (Princeton) - Higgs Measurements
Ian Shipsey (Oxford) - Heavy Flavor Physics 
Matt Reece (Harvard) - Beyond the SM Theory 
Albert de Roeck (CERN) - Beyond the SM Measurments  
Helen Caines (Yale) - Heavy Ion Physics
Vladimir Shiltsev (Fermilab) - Accelerators

Daniella Bortolleto (Oxford) - Tracking
Chris Tully (Princeton) - Calorimetry
Phil Harris (CERN) - Reconstruction 
Stefan Hoeche (SLAC) - 
QCD and Monte Carlo Tools
Yuval Grossman (Cornell) - Standard Model
Mariangela Lisanti (Princeton) - Dark Matter
Glen Cowan (London) - Statistic
Robin Erbacher (Davis) - Top Physics 
Wesley Smith (Wisconsin) - Trigger/DAQ

Please check back as the list updates!