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11 October 2017
University of New Mexico
US/Mountain timezone

Participant List

32 participants

First Name Last Name Affiliation
Alan Prosser FNAL
Angela Fava FNAL
Chris Green FNAL
Darin Acosta University of Florida
Eric Church PNNL
Gunther Haller SLAC
Gustavo Cancelo FNAL
James Fast PNNL
Jim Kowalkowski FNAL
Kai Chen BNL
Klaus Honscheid Ohio State University
Kurt Biery FNAL
Lynn Wood PNNL
Mandy Rominsky FNAL
Martin Purschke BNL
Mathew Graham SLAC
Michael Begel BNL
Michelle Stancari FNAL
Paul O'Connor BNL
Paul Padley Rice University
Petra Merkel FNAL
Remi Mommsen FNAL
Richard Cavanaugh University of Illinois Chicago and FNAL
Robert Tschirhart FNAL
Robert Wagner ANL
Ryan Herbst SLAC
Ryan Rivera FNAL
Sergio Zimmermann LBNL
Theresa Shaw FNAL
Wesley Gohn University of Kentucky
Wesley Ketchum FNAL
Wesley Smith University of Wisconsin