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11 October 2017
University of New Mexico
US/Mountain timezone


Promising Technologies and Techniques

11 Oct 2017, 11:00
Acoma A & B (Student Union Building) (University of New Mexico)

Acoma A & B (Student Union Building)

University of New Mexico


Promising Technologies and Techniques

  • Bob Wagner (Argonne National Laboratory)

Promising Technologies and Techniques

  • There are no conveners in this block


The talks in this session will address goal #4 in the charge and will ideally present the breadth of possibilities within the specified topic area.

Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.
Ryan Herbst (SLAC)
11/10/2017, 11:00
Dr Chris Green (FNAL)
11/10/2017, 11:30
Dr Gustavo Cancelo (fermilab)
11/10/2017, 12:00
Paul Padley (Rice University)
11/10/2017, 13:30
Dr Wesley Ketchum (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory)
11/10/2017, 14:00
Mr Ryan Rivera (FNAL)
11/10/2017, 14:30
Building timetable...