Please read these instructions before posting any event on Fermilab Indico

Indico will be down for server maintenance on Wednesday, October 16th from 7-730 CST.

Parking and Maps



Driving to East Lansing

MSU Campus Interactive Map

MSU Main Campus Map

PARKING at MSU and Map

A full Michigan State University Campus map can be found here.

More information about parking can be found here.

A shuttle can be arranged with your hotel to pick you up from the Lansing airport and provide your transportation to the hotel and from the hotel to the Lansing airport. 
The Kellogg Hotel & Conference Center and the Quality Inn provide shuttle transportation and should be arranged in advance.  Please contact your hotel to arrange shuttles.

Please note that a parking violation on campus is $15.


BUS SERVICE  Michigan Flyer Tel: (517) 333-0400

TAXI / CAR SERVICE Please visit for a list of licensed taxicab companies in the greater Lansing area.
Generally, MSU travelers should use taxicabs that have their company name conspicuously displayed on their vehicle. On display should be the driver’s license, printed schedule of rates, and contact telephone numbers for the taxicab company.

MSU Bike Rental