Michigan State University and the Department of Communicative Sciences & Disorders are excited to host the 11th International Conference on Voice Physiology & Biomechanics. Come enjoy our beautiful campus in the Great Lakes state!
The 11th International Conference on Voice Physiology & Biomechanics Modeling Laryngeal Biology is a three-day, international forum to discuss current scientific research on the larynx and voice. The emphasis of this conference will be on basic and applied, rather than clinical, research. It will consist of presentations and discussions pertaining to advances in vocal fold biology with emphasis on in vitro, computer (biology relevance), bioreactor and animal models.
The meeting will consist of one special topics symposium (31 July 2018) and 3 open research presentation days (1-3 August 2018). The draft program can be found here: ICVPB Program.
Key Dates:
8 December 2017: Abstract Submission Open
10 February 2018: Abstracts Due
15 March 2018: Acceptance Notification
15 April 2018: Early Registration Closes
For more information email: [email protected]