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22–28 Jul 2018
Kellogg Hotel and Conference Center
EST timezone

SMOM - $\overline{\mbox{MS}}$ Matching for $B_K$ at Two-loop Order

26 Jul 2018, 08:50
104 (Kellogg Hotel and Conference Center)


Kellogg Hotel and Conference Center

219 S Harrison Rd, East Lansing, MI 48824
Standard Model Parameters and Renormalization Standard Model Parameters and Renormalization


Ms Sandra Kvedaraite (University of Sussex)


The Kaon bag parameter, $B_K$, is a key non-perturbative ingredient in the search for new physics through CP-violation. It parameterizes the QCD hadronic matrix element of the effective weak $\Delta S=2$ four quark operator which can only be computed non-pertubatively on the lattice. The perturbative matching of $B_K$ between the lattice renormalization schemes and $\overline{\mbox{MS}}$ scheme has been done before at one-loop order. In this talk I am going to present a calculation of the conversion factors for $B_K$ between the four non-exceptional RI-SMOM schemes and the $\overline{\mbox{MS}}$ scheme at two-loop order in pertubation theory. The calculation is performed using the loop integral solving techniques such as integration by parts and sector decomposition.

Primary authors

Ms Sandra Kvedaraite (University of Sussex) Dr Sebastian Jaeger (University of Sussex)

Presentation materials