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22–28 Jul 2018
Kellogg Hotel and Conference Center
EST timezone

Nucleon form factors from Nf=2+1+1 twisted mass fermions at the physical point

27 Jul 2018, 17:50
106 (Kellogg Hotel and Conference Center)


Kellogg Hotel and Conference Center

219 S Harrison Rd, East Lansing, MI 48824
Hadron Structure Hadron Structure


Prof. Martha Constantinou (Temple University)


We present results on the nucleon form factors including disconnected contributions using an ensemble of Nf=2+1+1 twisted mass fermions with a clover term. The ensemble has a spatial extent of 5.12fm (64^3 x128). Techniques such as the summation and the two-state fits have been employed to control possible excited states contamination.

Primary authors

Dr Alejandro Vaquero (University of Utah) Prof. Constantia Alexandrou (University of Cyprus & The Cyprus Institute) Prof. Giannis Koutsou (The Cyprus Institute) Dr Karl Jansen (DESY, Zeuthen) Dr Kyriakos Hadjiyiannakou (The Cyprus Institute) Prof. Martha Constantinou (Temple University) Mr Simone Bacchio (University of Cyprus)

Presentation materials