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22–28 Jul 2018
Kellogg Hotel and Conference Center
EST timezone

Flowing Gauge Theories: Finite-Density QED$_{1+1}$

23 Jul 2018, 17:10
Centennial (Kellogg Hotel and Conference Center)


Kellogg Hotel and Conference Center

219 S Harrison Rd, East Lansing, MI 48824
Nonzero Temperature and Density Nonzero Temperature and Density


Dr Henry Lamm (University of Maryland)


Finite-density calculations in lattice field theory are typically plagued by sign problems. A promising way to ameliorate this issue is the so-called "holomorphic flow" equations that deform the manifold of integration for the path integral to manifolds in the complex space where the sign fluctuations are less dramatic. In this talk, We will discuss some novel features of applying the flow equations to gauge theories and present results for finite-density QED$_{1+1}$.

Primary author

Dr Henry Lamm (University of Maryland)


Prof. Andrei Alexandru (The George Washington University) Prof. Paulo Bedaque (University of Maryland) Mr Scott Lawrence (University of Maryland)

Presentation materials