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Jul 22 – 28, 2018
Kellogg Hotel and Conference Center
EST timezone

Investigation of the 1+1 dimensional Thirring model using the method of matrix product states

Jul 26, 2018, 8:30 AM
107 (Kellogg Hotel and Conference Center)


Kellogg Hotel and Conference Center

219 S Harrison Rd, East Lansing, MI 48824
Theoretical Developments Theoretical Developments


Prof. C.-J. David Lin (National Chiao-Tung University)


We present results from our study of the 1+1 dimensional Thirring model employing the techniques of Matrix Product States. As the first step of a research programme for examining this model with the Hamiltonian formalism on the lattice, we determine the phase structure of the theory. In particular, we confirm the existence of the critical phase in the Thirring model in two dimensions. This is achieved by computing the mass gap, the chiral condenstate, the entanglement entropy, as well as the fermion correlator.

Primary authors

Prof. C.-J. David Lin (National Chiao-Tung University) Mr David T.-L. Tan (National Chiao-Tung University) Dr Krzysztof Cichy (Adam Mickiewicz University) Dr Mari Carmen Banuls (Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics) Prof. Ying-Jer Kao (National Taiwan University) Mr Yu-Ping Lin (University of Colorado, Boulder)

Presentation materials