Alberto Marchionni
Alec Habig
(Univ. of Minnesota Duluth)Mr
Bob Paulos
(University of Wisconsin)
David Montanari
David Warner
(Colorado State University)
Dominique Duchesneau
Farshid Feyzi
Francesco Pietropaolo
Hajime Muramatsu
(University of Minnesota)Dr
Ines Gil-Botella
(CIEMAT Madrid)
Jack Fowler
(Duke University)
Manhong Zhao
(Physics Department, BNL)
Marco Verzocchi
Marvin Marshak
(University of Minnesota)Mr
Peter Sutcliffe
Sowjanya Gollapinni
(University of Tennessee, Knoxville)Dr
Victor Guarino
Vyacheslav Galymov
William Miller
(University of Minnesota)