10–14 Sep 2018
Michigan State University
US/Michigan timezone



Monday, September 10


8:30                                                        Registration and Welcome                                                      

9:00-10:30                                           Georg Berg lecture 1

                                                                Group Discussion / Q&A

10:30                                                     Coffee Break

11:00                                                     COSY Tutorial


12:00 - 13:30                                       Lunch                                                                                                                                   


13:30-14:30                                         Form Working Groups and Introduce Project

14:30                                                     Coffee Break

15:00 - 16:30                                       Hands-on Session

16:30 - 17:00                                       Group Summaries



Tuesday, September 11


9:00-10:30                                           Manoel Couder Lecture

                                                                Group Discussion / Q&A

10:30                                                     Coffee Break

11:00                                                     Lecture follow-up / Hands-on Session


12:00 - 13:30                                       Lunch


13:30-14:30                                         Hands-on Session

14:30                                                     Coffee Break

15:00 - 15:30                                       Group Summaries

15:30 - 17:00                                       Hands-on Session / Tour of SECAR


Wednesday, September 12


9:00-10:30                                           Georg Berg Lecture 2

                                                                Group Discussion / Q&A

10:30                                                     Coffee Break

11:00                                                     Lecture follow-up / Hands-on Session


12:00 - 13:30                                       Lunch


13:30-14:30                                         Hands-on Session

14:30                                                     Coffee Break

15:00 - 15:30                                       Group Summaries

15:30 - 17:00                                       Georg Berg Lecture 3


18:00 – 20:00                                      Group Dinner – Pizza House


Thursday, September 13


9:00-10:30                                           Georg Berg Lecture 4

                                                                Group Discussion / Q&A

10:30                                                     Coffee Break

11:00                                                     Lecture follow-up / Hands-on Session


12:00 - 13:30                                       Lunch


13:30-14:30                                         Hands-on Session

14:30                                                     Coffee Break

15:00 - 15:30                                       Group Summaries

15:30 - 17:00                                       Hands-on Session


Friday, September 14


9:00-10:30                                           Preparation for Student Presentations / Begin Student Presentations

10:30                                                     Coffee Break

11:00                                                     Student Presentations


12:00 - 13:30                                       Lunch

                                                End of School   



Please to go to www.cosyinfinity.org.

Scroll down to Registration click obtain a personal license and follow the instructions.

In order to complete registration, you must Download the user's agreement (useragrt.pdf), print it on paper with an official letterhead of your organization, and fax a signed copy to +1-517-258-2906 (USA) or email a scan to [email protected]. Once the signed form has been reviewed together with the previously submitted information you will receive an email with a username and a password that will allow you to download the COSY Infinity code.