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15–19 Jul 2019
US/Eastern timezone

Exclusive di-photon and gamma+Z production at the LHC

18 Jul 2019, 17:20
2213 A Chair : Timothy Hobbs

2213 A Chair : Timothy Hobbs


Christophe Royon


We will describe the prospects of measuring exclusive di-photon and Z+gamma events with intact protons at the LHC. Detecting all particles in the final state (the protons being measured in the PPS or AFP detectors respectively in CMS-TOTEM and ATLAS) allow to obtain negligible background and increases the usual sensitivity to quartic photon anomalous couplings at the LHC by about three orders or magnitude. We will also mention the search for Axion Like Particles at high mass using the same processes at the LHC.

Primary author

Christophe Royon


Mr Cristian Baldenegro (The University of Kansas)

Presentation materials