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15–19 Jul 2019
US/Eastern timezone

QCD Issues in Searches for Supersymmetry with the ATLAS Detector

15 Jul 2019, 16:30
2213 B Chair : Falko Dulat

2213 B Chair : Falko Dulat

Higgs/EW/BSM Higgs/EW/BSM


Ms Veronika Magerl (University of Freiburg)


Despite the absence of experimental evidence, weak-scale supersymmetry remains one of the best motivated and studied Standard Model extensions. Searches for weak-scale supersymmetry interact with QCD in many ways: QCD scaling rules are used in background estimation techniques; jet sub-structure is exploited for separating signal and background; signal cross sections rely on higher-order calculations and resummation. Additional complex QCD issues arise in searches for R-hadrons, hadrons that include long-lived SUSY particles. This talk summarizes recent ATLAS results on supersymmetry searches, focusing on those aspects that most strongly interact with QCD.

Primary author

Ms Veronika Magerl (University of Freiburg)

Presentation materials